Legal Notes e Privacy Policy

Legal Notes and Privacy Policy

Legal Notes:

Vep Automation s.r.l., Socio Unico
Via San Felice, 37 – 10092 – Beinasco (TO) Italy
P. IVA / COD. FISCALE: 10840010010
Share capital: € 100.000 INT. VERS.
Certified establishments : UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008

Privacy policy :

The data that will eventually be communicated by Users to VEP Automation S.r.l. will be treated with the utmost care and with all the means to ensure its safety, in full compliance with the Italian regulations in force in the protection of confidentiality.

We encourage you to view the privacy information below and to provide the relevant consent to the processing of your personal information pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, where required.

The information contained on this site has been prepared in order to satisfy the information needs of visitors regarding the activities carried out by VEP Automation S.r.l.

All the contents and information present on the website as well as logos, graphics, sounds, images, trademarks and anything else published and / or reproduced on this site are the property of VEP Automation Srl with registered office in Via San Felice, 37 - 10092 - Beinasco (TO) Italy.

They are therefore protected under copyright law and may only be used for informational and personal purposes.

It is expressly forbidden to make any commercial use or distribution on another computer.

Their reproduction is allowed only with the written authorization of VEP Automation S.r.l. It is therefore forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit or disseminate, without authorization, the content of this site on other websites, mailing lists, newsletters, paper magazines and other media.

Offenders will be subject to civil and criminal sanctions.

Liability exemption:

VEP Automation S.r.l. does not guarantee the continued updating of the information contained on this site nor their absolute completeness and cannot be held liable for any damage, including consequential and indirect, arising from use of the information on this site.

VEP Automation S.r.l. shall not be held liable for any damages, including computer virus infections or damage of any nature caused directly or indirectly by the incapacity or impossibility to access the site.

Hyperlinks (links) on this site can direct visitors to search for web pages of sites other than this one and not subject to control of VEP Automation S.r.l.In such a case, VEP Automation S.r.l. assumes no liability whatsoever with respect to the content of the content published on such sites and the use it may make of third parties, and to any damage caused by or resulting from access to such sites, Interconnecting with the same or downloading their content.

All rights not expressly granted by this Note are reserved. Copyright © 2012 VEP Automation S.r.l. - All rights are reserved.

If you have any questions or problems, send an e-mail to :

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